Wednesday, November 9, 2011

せんりゅう Kataka Final Project

ひらがな         カタカナ

せんりゅうお       アジアジン
れんしゅすればは     たくさんいます 
せんしゅです       せかいには

がくせいも        ベットがすき
せんせいになる      クラスがきらい
おなじひと        がくせいは

たべものと        いろりろな
のみものがすき      スポーツがある
にんげんは        アメリカに

Katakana words were mainly used as nouns. Although some of the words like Bed and Class can be substituted with words in Hiragana, the Katakana, or English words, give the effect that a foreigner wrote the Senryu. It is almost like a fusion of two cultures as well as that of languages. The modern use of these words give a fresh impression in the traditional Senryu format.


  1. Nice! This had emotion, delivered a message, it was creative and nicely presented. In terms of the criteria given I'd say this fits all of them. 10


  2. はいくはいいです。たびものとのみものがすきです!Good use of Katakana.
